Thursday, 12 March 2009

The missing weeks!

March 7th - We spent the day scrapbooking and had a takeaway. Carol impressed us with her napkin folding.

March 6th - It has been a busy week and this little boy is tired.

March 5th - One of my favourite costumes from yesterday.

March 4th - My activities for World Book Day included making Lola biscuits.

March 3rd - How can you resist that kiss!

March 2nd - My BFF is Jacqueline

March 1st - A walk in the grounds of Blenheim Palace.

Feb. 28th - Paperarts 12 hour crop. I made a start on my St. Ives album.

Feb.27th - the source of my morning fix. If it is good enough for George Clooney.....

Feb.26th - Preparing for book day with my favourite books.

Feb. 25th Time Flies - but not when you are teaching time!

Feb. 24th Stash box - A lovely box of new stash arrives - yummy

Feb. 23rd Spring at last - snowdrops in the school garden

Feb. 22nd. Ironing the worst bit of returning from holiday-the laundry.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

You have a great selection of photos on here Joy.
Lovely to come and be nosey ;O)