Aug. o2 It's a Creative World submission

Aug. 01 New Shoes

I treated myself to some new Crocs for my holidays. I know they are the world's ugliest shoes but, they are so comfortable. I also got a light purple pair.
July 31 A spot of shopping

July3o Dusting down the sewing machine

I got out the sewing machine ready for my IACW submission. It needed a bit of dusting!
July 29 Stash shopping

These papers are such great summer colours. Can't wait to use them.
July 28 A Delivery from Amazon

July 28 Road Trip

July 26 New Car - well new to us!
July 25 Washing

July 24 Brighton Beach

July 23 Wedding Anniversary #15
July 22 Ears

July 21 Harry Potter
A trip to the movies today to see "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince." It was very long and I did nod off in the first half! I had just had a late night, it was warm, it was dark.........
July 20 Invested
Grace is now officially a Scout. She got invested at the ruins of Minster Lovell Hall. It was a lovely spot. She looked very smart.
July 19 The Big Lunch
We braved the rain and got together with the neighbours for lunch on the field. It was great fun and it didn't really matter that it rained!
July 18 A Night Out

We had a night out in oxford with J & M. We started at Jamie's Italian - very yummy. Then we went to see Brief Encounter. It was amazing. It combined theatre and film very cleverly. A great night was had by all.
July 17 End of Term
The end of term at last. I will miss all the class as they move on to their next school. I had some very generous presents, including my mug above from my fav. coffee stop! Thank you Lily D.
July 16 A New Era
July 20 Invested

July 19 The Big Lunch

July 18 A Night Out

We had a night out in oxford with J & M. We started at Jamie's Italian - very yummy. Then we went to see Brief Encounter. It was amazing. It combined theatre and film very cleverly. A great night was had by all.
July 17 End of Term

July 16 A New Era
It was a sad day for us all. Pauline's retirement party. There were a lot of tears from us all. We are going to miss having her in school. What a fantastic cake. It was almost too good to cut.
July 15 Y6 Leaver's Party

It was Grace's leaver's party today. I could not believe how grown up they all looked. It seems like only seconds since they were all starting in Early Years. I took loads of pictures.
July 14 Reading Group

Primo Levi was the author this month. I couldn't really get into it. So I had not got very far. I will try and finish it. We all swapped books for summer reading.
July 13 Swine Flu

Yes it is here! We got letters home from school. It seems it is in every school in the town. We are not panicing. If we get it we are ready.
July 12 Cheese Scones & Pink Milk

There is no better way to celebrate a great report. All the kids got fabby reports. I am so proud of them.
July 11 Wadham Garden Party
I took advantage of the beautiful garden to take a few pics of the kids. When did 11 start looking so grown up?
July 15 Y6 Leaver's Party

It was Grace's leaver's party today. I could not believe how grown up they all looked. It seems like only seconds since they were all starting in Early Years. I took loads of pictures.
July 14 Reading Group

Primo Levi was the author this month. I couldn't really get into it. So I had not got very far. I will try and finish it. We all swapped books for summer reading.
July 13 Swine Flu

Yes it is here! We got letters home from school. It seems it is in every school in the town. We are not panicing. If we get it we are ready.
July 12 Cheese Scones & Pink Milk

There is no better way to celebrate a great report. All the kids got fabby reports. I am so proud of them.
July 11 Wadham Garden Party

July 10 Judgement Day!

The judges have been to see our Jungle Garden. They seemed to like it. They took lots of pictures, particularily of the crocodile. Everyone worked so hard to make it look fantastic. We look forward to knowing the results.
July 09 Carnival Craft Day

The judges have been to see our Jungle Garden. They seemed to like it. They took lots of pictures, particularily of the crocodile. Everyone worked so hard to make it look fantastic. We look forward to knowing the results.
July 09 Carnival Craft Day
We spent the day making lots of stuff for our carnival float. These cats are going to be on dowelling for them to carry. We are doing "Puss in Boots".
July 08 " I am just waiting for a fire engine........."
July 08 " I am just waiting for a fire engine........."
Not the words you want to hear on the phone from your husband at 8.00am. On the way to work his car caught fire. Thank God he is fine and the stuff which got burned was just stuff. I gave him an extra big hug when I saw him. The car is a write off.
July 07 The Wizard of Blake
My reading quest is going well. My pupil is making very good progress. These are all the words we have been working on.
July 05 Happy Birthday
Mark loved his birthday pressie. The other one was worn out. I look forward to it taking us lots of places.
This was my fav. layout of the day. I managed to do six!
July 03 - Stencilling

I have been very busy with the class stencilling a jungle on the canteen wall. We are getting there.
July 07 The Wizard of Blake
We went to the school production tonight. It was based on The Wizard of Oz and every child in the school, plus a few teachers, took part. It was fantastic and I did cry when Katie, my DD's friend, sang "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". Grace was Mr Toad and Dunx was a panther.
July 06 I can read
July 06 I can read

July 05 Happy Birthday

July 04 Scrapbooking with my friends

July 03 - Stencilling

I have been very busy with the class stencilling a jungle on the canteen wall. We are getting there.
July 02 Bring Your Bear to School Day 2009
July 01 My Duty Day
I love ringing the bell at the end of breaktime. I know it is all a bit old-fashioned but I love tradtion.

June 30 Painting the Croc.
Fab pics - love the deckchair one. Glad your hubby is OK - what a scare.
What an interesting month you have had Joy - what a great collection of photos. The car fire - oh dear. Your wedding anniversary - brilliant photo - my one of my cards for our anniversary looks very dull and boring - I may have to redo it - to something more romantic like yours!
Great pictures. OMG on your husbands car. Glad to hear he's ok. Love your bear at school photo, and is the Sock Creatures book any good. I have a sock monster half finished but saw loads of creatures on someones else blog and soooo want to make some.
A great collection of photos. You had a very interesting and varied July!
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