June 27 The Oxfordshire Children's Food Festival - We had a lovely day out at the Food Festival. There was loads of hands on things for the kids to do. They have just eaten the pasta they made. It was very yummy! The picture shows Duncan's chef hat after he got Raymond Blanc to sign it. What a lovely man he is. Duncan and Raymond shared their love of moules. We also spoke to his Chef Patissier - Benoir Blin, who promised, that when Duncan has his own restaurant, to come and work for him! They also met Sophie Grigson & Stefan Gates (Gastronut).

June 26 What else could I put up for today? No matter what you think of the man you can't deny his music was fantastic. Who could forget the Thriller video? And we have all tried to moonwalk in our socks, unsuccessfully!
I loved his moonwalk it fascinated me!
So sad about MJ. Good idea to photogrpah the headline. Looks like the food festival was good!!
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