Part 1Pour yourself a mug of coffee and make yourself comfy. Part 1 of Project 365 is loaded. Scroll all the way to the bottom and read upwards.
June 1st My beautiful Evelyn rosebush has flowered. It was planted in memory of my Mum and was given to me by Jacqueline on my first Mother's Day without her.
May 31st The potatoes are growing madly in all this sunshine.
May 30th Duncan catches a wave at Tenby.
May 29th Breakfast by the beach in Mumbles.
May 28th Crossing the Severn Bridge.
May 27th My submission for I made lots of different flowers.
May 26th Time to let the butterflies go. They were beautiful Painted Ladies.
May 25th Pavlova at Big Duncan's Birthday BBQ.
May 24th Grace and I went for a lovely walk in the Bluebell Woods at North Leigh. They were a bit beyond their best but we found some nice ones.
May 23rd A trip to Stoke Mandeville hospital after a phonecall from Scout Camp. They took him to A&E with a suspected broken hand. Luckily it was just tendon damage and he was able to go back to camp.
May 22nd I dropped the boys off at Oxfordshire's Zodiac Camp in Thame. They are camping for the whole weekend. The weather is looking good.
May 21st All the caterpillars are in their cocoons and just about ready to emerge.
May 20th May Dancing on Church Green.
May 19th We finally get our Swine Flu leaflets!
May 18th I am busy using my magnetic letters with my Reading Quest pupil. She is loving all the games.
May 17th Dinner out with Dave, Clea and baby Sophie. The boys argued over who was going to push the pram. They both adore babies.
May 16th Banana Frog Day @ Paperarts. I will post my album when I finish it.
May 15th Guitar lessons tonight for Jake & Grace. Grace has just started and is already dreaming of her first band.
May 14th My bike is already for action now that the sun is out.
May 13th My first day on my Reading Quest course. It was lots of fun. I came away with lots of ideas.
1 comment:
Lovely set of photos. Love the caterpillers into butterflies.
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