New York was fantastic. We went for my friend Carol's 40th birthday and also to celebrate her loss of 10 stone!!!!!! We have returned with aching feet from all the walking and aching jaws from all the laughing. I will gradually put up my photographs over the next few days. I took 600 pictures - a lot of editing required.

We stayed at the Carlton Hotel on Madison Avenue. It was just round the corner from The Flat Iron building. There was a fabulous square with a Shake Shack and we were surrounded by the Anthony Gormley exhibition of people standing on the top of high buildings.

The Empire State building is a must. On a clear day you can see for miles. It was quite quiet when we went up and we were able to spend ages taking photos. I was able to test out my new zoom lens.

My favourite building is the Chrysler Building. I think I have a picture of it from every angle possible.

The shape at the top is just so gorgeous. I love the way it glints in the sunlight.

Close up from below. I came back with a stiff neck from all the looking up. I will add more each day.
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